Human Capital Consultant in Washington

  • Participate in evaluations and assessments designed to identify and define issues, review and analyze data, and evaluate/document best practices.
  • Conduct interviews and focus groups with employees and managers associated with organizational assessment as needed to include developing protocol instruments.
  • Provide strategies, methods, and tactical approaches to improve the client organization’s human capital management practices.
  • Analyze the current state, perform gap analysis, identify trends, and develop methodologies for workforce forecast practices.
  • Create reporting metrics, dashboards, and analytics to monitor, analyze progress, and effectively deliver assessment and results to organizational leaders.
  • Compile findings and formulate sound recommendations based on data analysis with the project team to address human capital challenges.
  • Develop and communicate study results via written reports and oral presentations.
  • Articulate the resources and actions needed to close talent gaps or optimize the workforce based on organizational assessment findings. 
  • Develop and implement change management strategy and planning across all projects.


  • Master’s Degree in I/O Psychology or Organization Development and 5 years of Management Consulting experience in Human Capital Strategy, Organizational Development, and Strategic Workforce Planning in the public sector; or the equivalent combination of education, training, and experience.
  • Organizational development skills with the design/redesign and implementation of organization structures including aligning mission, strategy, functions and structure; identifying changes to roles and responsibilities; and assessing the impacts to overall workforce.
  • Human Capital Management experience supporting federal clients, including experience designing and delivering strategic and operational human capital management programs and processes.
  • Strong analytical skills, including the ability to collect, synthesize, and summarize relevant data, perform root cause analysis, analyze workforce and competency data, and provide recommendations and solution strategies to government clients.
  • Previous experience in competency development, workforce analytics and strategic human capital design and implementation