Transcriptionist, Captioner, or a Translator

Become a Transcriptionist, Captioner, or a Translator while working from home.

Flexible Work Schedule

You decide when and where to work.

Transparent Compensation

Vendors are compensated based on the length of the recorded audio file.

Interesting Topics

We specialize in research projects. We’ll make sure to send you work of your interest.

Start working with us in 2 easy steps

Please follow the steps below. After completion we’ll be in touch.

1st. Take the Test

Please start by completing the transcription test. Click on the links and download the documents and audio files to your hard drive. 

01. Instructions

02. Audio Test

03. Landmark Template

2nd. Answer our questionnaire

Answer a short questionnaire about your experience, previous clients, equipment, time availability and upload your test.

Contractors Intake Form ▸