Extension Foundation Contracts Assistant

Check out the details for this position below and apply.

Position Description

The eXtension Foundation is seeking a contracts assistant to support the development and executing of over 120 contracts.  This contract will assume approximately .3 to .5 FTE and will include support for creating and developing contracts, tracking contracts, working the land grant institutions, and working with offices of sponsored programs. The contracts assistant will work closely with the Virtual Administrative Assistant to conduct their work. This position reports to the Chief Operating Officer of the eXtension Foundation. 

Desired Qualifications:

  • Knowledge of the contracting process
  • Knowledge of the Land Grant University system
  • Experience in working with offices of sponsored programs
  • Initiative to keep contracts moving to final execution
  • Ability to work with multiple institutions
  • Savvy in the use of databases for contract tracking.
  • This position will work remotely.  Knowledge and experience with virtual work and computer skills are needed for this position.

Statement of Work for the Contract Effort

The work of the eXtension Contract Assistant will focus on the support of the Virtual Administrative Assistant and the focus of the 120 contracts that must be executed between April and August.  Support for contract writing as well as database management will be critical for this role.  Position expectations include:

  • Taking responsibility for assigned contract tasks, such as contract development, ensuring contracts have the content and supporting documentation necessary.
  • Assist in the writing of contracts within the contracting process of eXtension.
  • Support and assistance with managing a contract database for the purposes of tracking where contracts are at in the process.  
  • Staying in communication with LGU offices of sponsored programs to expedite contract executing.
  • Assist with contract files to make sure all documentation for each contract is in the files to include sole source justifications when appropriate.
  • Successful candidates are expected to have their own computer equipment and internet access.

Contract conditions and terms:

This will be a fixed-term contract based on an hourly rate.  Workload will vary throughout the year, with the months of April-August having the greatest amount of work expected.  

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Contract Timeline – 1 year – April 1, 2021-March 31, 2022.

The projected timeline for this position is  April 1, 2021 through March 30, 2022: (dependent upon project funding)

February 19, 2021 until filled Accept letters of interest and resumes

April 1, 2021 Start date for eXtension Contracts Assistant